A Walk in the Rain Along Hebden Dale

After a showery week, with some heavy rain overnight, it was still chucking it down and very windy when I got up so I was trying to think of somewhere relatively sheltered to go for a short walk and take a few photos. I drove over to Hebden Bridge and parked at the National Trust’s Midgehole car park, intending to walk though the woods along Hebden Water at the bottom of the steep-sided Hebden Dale to Gibson Mill. As it was, I only got just over halfway before I turned back. There wasn’t much wind there but the heavy rain and the large water drops falling from the trees made it difficult to take photos, even with the camera in a plastic cover. When I got back to the car, I was drenched (you have to suffer fr your art sometimes).

The light was really nice, though, and there was plenty of fast-moving, peat-stained water, unlike this time last year, when there was just a trickle.

For more information about Hebden Bridge, local history and traditions, where to stay, eat and drink, go to www.bronte-country.com

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