Riding the Legend – A Trip on the Flying Scotsman

As part of its centenary celebrations, the world famous locomotive, the Flying Scotsman, has been guest of honour at the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway for the entire month of May. Because we live just up the hill from Oakworth Station, it would have been rude not to take the opportunity to take a ride on this railway icon.

We arrived early and parked at the top of Haworth and wandered down the busy Main Street (it was Bank Holiday Monday), browsing in some of the shops and stopping for a quick coffee on the way.

As we arrived at the station, BR Standard Class 75078 pulled in. Most of the people on the platform were waiting for the Flying Scotsman, which was due about half an hour later.

The anticipation was building as we waited.

And then the Scotsman arrived amidst a forest of arms waving mobile phones.

First stop, Oxenhope, just a few minutes up the line, where we disembarked to get a beer (and so did everyone else), despite there being a bar on the train.

With the Scotsman at the rear, tender first, we set off for Keighley. All along the route, people were waving and, in some cases, they were waving handkerchieves (they’d obviously seen The Railway Children).

At Damems, we slowed down to pass 75708 heading in the opposite direction.

Between Damems and Ingrow, there was a small trackside fire in the grass.

Another half-hour stop at Keighley for refreshments.

On the return journey, we again passed Damems, Britains smallest station.

Next station, Oakworth, which we sailed through at a decent pace.

The perfect way to spend a bank holiday, I’d say.

For more information about Haworth and Brontë Country, the Brontë family, local history and traditions, where to stay, eat and drink, go to www.bronte-country.com or www.haworth-village.co.uk

For more information about the KWVR, click here

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