A walk from Oakworth to Haworth in the snow

We are well into March and, with spring almost here, winter often has a habit of giving us a last blast of snow, just to remind us of how beautiful it can be and this was exactly what happened last Thursday.

Weather warnings had been in the forecast for the best part of a week and they seemed certain that we were going to get a fair amount of snow on Thursday and Friday. Bearing in mind my long commute to work over some pretty high ground, I thought it best to book a couple of snow days and not risk getting stuck. As it turned out, I’m glad I did. In any case, it gave me a chance to get out and take some photos.

I’m lucky to be able to walk to Haworth from home. It’s a lovely walk at any time but a covering of snow turns the woods and the village of Haworth itself into a magical winter wonderland. Add to that the fact that the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway were holding their annual Steam Gala and, as you can imagine, I was a bit overwhelmed with subject-matter.

These are Thursday morning’s pics first. I couldn’t take too many because, for most of the time, it was chucking it down and I was constantly having to wipe the snow off my lens.

So here they are. Hope you enjoy them and I’ll get Friday’s posted as soon as I can. There was a lot more snow by then and I was able to take a lot more photos, so watch this space…

For more information about Haworth and Brontë Country, the Brontë family, local history and traditions, where to stay, eat and drink, go to www.bronte-country.com or www.haworth-village.co.uk

4 responses to “A walk from Oakworth to Haworth in the snow”

  1. Absolutely stunning. Thank you for letting us see your fab phots. I particularly love the churchyard scenes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Chris. I’ll be posting some more of those from Friday, when there was a lot more snow, in my next post so watch this space 😊


  2. Thank you Andrew Fowler for your wonderful photos and descriptions of Bronte Country which seems to belong to you as much you belong to Bronte Country. Congratulations on all your wonderful captures.
    (Saddleworth is waiting for you)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Anne. I might just stray over to Saddleworth at some point. Still loads of images to capture over here though 😊


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